..... it is transparent bags (clear clutch). It was already last year, when I found perfect Emporio Armani SS 12 collection bag. It was huge, large enough for my school stuff, but the best part was... you could see everything inside your bag. On the cat walk, there was another pistachio green purse inside the huge one, and I fell in love with this combination.
Choosing this type of bag is a huge step. Well, for me it was definitely a hard choice. It has always been a secret - what is inside your bag, and now, everyone can see it. Suddenly, you must think how your phone number book looks and do you want other people to see, for example, that you are smoking or how expensive is your phone. After choosing this type of bag you have no personal life left. Isn't that challenging?
Ok, I might have a little bit exaggerated things. You can choose what to show to the world and what stays as your own, personal secret. To hid something, you can do the way Armani has done it - take another bag, or put your phone, cigarettes or love letters in elegant, small sack (i recommend to choose colors like pistachio green, khaki, nude, celery root, peach, creamsicle )
Clear clutch or every tye of clear bag, no matter how huge it is, is not for days when you need to take 100 and more things. It only looks good if you keep it simple - sunglasses, valet, some cosmetics, phone. Check out this fantastic example.
As you can see, style, which goes together with clear clutch, is minimalism. Simple, but classy accessories, geometric forms in blouses and t-shirts, trousers with small ornament or skirts without ornament. Why? Because your clear clutch is point on i, the final touch, and there is no use to make your outfit overdosed.
With clear bags you must remember - contents is a part of bags design, and you are designer. Think about colors of thing, what you put in, maybe it is worth to hide something in small sack, as I already mentioned?
Anyway, clear clutch fits to late afternoons, early mornigns and long nights. Choosing colored ones - be careful, some of them look completely ugly, when you put something in them, some of them look like you would have stolen something from your office.
And finally - some more inspiring pictures. Tell me how you wear your clutch and what you show to the world, what you do not.
I like those tranparent clutches! maybe we could follow each other via GFc and bloglovin? let me know in comments and I invite you to join the Giveaway of a beautiful Cloisonné enamel pendant on my blog:
Amazing post...I really like your blog.^^
ReplyDeleteMaybe follow each other on bloglovin???
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets Nessa
Thank you for nice words, Nessa, it is really important for me.
DeleteI just checked out your blog, it is really lovely. Just followed you on bloglovin.See you around^^
lovely clutch :)
ReplyDeleteThank you sooo much for the follow.^^
ReplyDeleteFollow you back on bloglovin and gfc,too.
Do you also follow me on gfc???
Lovely greets
great post :)
ReplyDeletevisit mine whenever you had a chance :D
Miss Aa
Thank you, I just visited your blog, love^^
DeleteBeautiful post!!! would you like to follow each other with GFC and Bloglovin?
ReplyDeleteBesos, desde España, Marcela♥
Mana probleema ar sho ir, kaa to uztureet tiiru, nemaaceesu izskaidrot, bet loti aatri nokeepaajas kkaa, pirkstu nospiedumi un taa.... Bet par to ko iekshaa lieku nekad nedomaaju lai izskatiitos skaisti, organizeeti dizainiski, neteelojot un esot taa kaa ir...luupu kraasa atslegas, mobilais un naudas karte
ReplyDeleteTas ļoti atkarīgs no materiāla. Daži pvc reāli noķēpājas un kļūst netīri, daži nesaglabā pat pirkstu nospiedumus. Es dodu priekšroku savā ziņā "cietākiem" materiāliem, kas tad arī atstāj mazāk nospiedumus. "Mīkstās" somas ir foršas tikai tad, ja daļa no tās ir pildīta ar krāsainu želeju.
DeleteBet runājot par somas kārtību - sieviešu rokassomiņas parasti ir īsta elle, savukārt caurspīdīgā vidē - nu, saki, ka es tēloju, bet es labprāt kaut kur nobāžu pāris lietas, kuras cilvēkiem nav jāredz, bet kuras es ņemu līdzi (un runa ir arī par atslēgām, but it is less about fashion and more about privacy), un atklāti sakot - manā rokassomiņā var nostāvēt saulesbrilles, kuras man nevajag, un kuras es vēl ilgi nevilkšu, bet clear-clutch šādas lietas nav pieļaujamas, ja vēlies atstāt kārtīgas un nosvērtas būtnes iespaidu.